Invoicing and receipts

Recording sales from a Point of Sale with Cash Invoices

Watch the video to learn how to seamlessly record sales transactions from your point of sale using cash invoices in Wafeq.

Create Cash invoices to record your sales from a Point-of-Sale (POS) system.

If you sell through a POS system, your customers are paying you immediately. In this case, you’ll want to record sales as Cash invoices and mark them as paid through your cash register.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Create the Cash Register Account:

  1. - Go to Bank Accounts in the left side menu.
  2. - Create a new bank account named Cash Register and select the type as Petty Cash.

Record Sales with Cash Invoices:

- Once you sell an item at the point of sale, go to Cash invoices in the left side menu.

- Click on the Add Invoice button to create a new cash invoice.

Fill Out the Invoice Details:

  • Create a DRAFT for your invoice.
  • Complete all the required fields, including the customer's information and details of the items sold.
  • In the Paid through drop-down menu, select the Cash Register account to record the sale in the POS account.

Mark the Invoice as Paid:

Once you’ve filled out all the required fields, change the status of your cash invoice to PAID.

This will record the revenue and the payment at once.

A journal icon will appear in the right column, indicating that this transaction has been posted to your books.

Generate Reports:

At the end of your defined period, you can generate reports to track the revenue coming in from your POS account.

By following these steps, you can efficiently record and manage your POS sales using cash invoices, ensuring accurate and up-to-date financial records.