Invoicing and receipts

Creating and sending an invoice

Watch this video on creating and sending an invoice to your customer, or read below.

Step-by-step instructions

- Go to Invoices on the left side menu, then click on the "Add Invoice" button in the top right corner to start creating an invoice.

- Wafeq automatically generates an "Invoice number" in a sequence. You can also choose to enter or edit this number if needed manually.

Choose the "Currency" in which you want to send your invoice.

Optional Details:

- You may add the "Purchase Order" that you received from your buyer.

- Assign the invoice to its specific "Project". This allows you to track the profitability of your various projects.

If you manage inventory across multiple warehouses, choose the "Warehouse" from which the items will be shipped. This ensures accurate inventory tracking and management.

- Select the "Contact" corresponding to the customer from your contact list, or create the contact directly in the invoicing form.

  • Invoice Date: Set the Date on which the invoice is created.
  • Due Date: Specify the Due Date for the payment.

VAT Information:

If you’re VAT-registered and the Place of Supply is required in your country, choose it so Wafeq correctly generates your VAT return.

Add Line Items:

- (Optional) Choose the Item for which you are invoicing, or create it directly.

- Write a short "Description" indicating the details of the item you’re selling.

- Choose the "Account" where you’d want the revenue to be categorized, usually an Income account like Sales.

- Indicate the "Quantity" of the item sold and its Price.

- (Optional) Add a VAT Rate and a Discount if applicable.

- Assign line items to cost centers if needed for detailed financial tracking.

- Click the drag handler to rearrange items or the dots to remove them.

Notes and Payment Terms:

In the Notes field, you can include details on payment terms, such as 'Net 30', and any specific payment instructions. Wafeq will automatically re-use this field the next time you create an invoice.

Attachments and Signatures:

  • If there are any documents you need to attach to your invoice, such as contracts or agreements, click the "Attach files" button.
  • (Optional) Add a Stamp or your Signature to the invoice.

- Click Save and Send to send the invoice directly from Wafeq, choosing to send it via email or WhatsApp. The contact details will be auto-filled. If you prefer, you can simply Save the invoice and send it manually later.

Additional Information

When Revenue is Booked

Only invoices that are in Sent status will be recorded as revenue.

Importing Invoices

You can also import your invoices using the import feature for bulk entries.

Following these steps, you can efficiently create and send invoices using Wafeq, ensuring a smooth and professional billing process.