For Business Owners
7 Tips For Building Business Partnerships
On this page
1. Begin By Developing A Common Vision And Mission
2. Ensure That The Requirements And Expectations Of Each Partner Are Met
3. Recognize And Play To Each Partner's Strengths
4. Support The Restrictions Of The Partnership
5. Establish Business And Personal Goals
6. Deal With Disputes, Setbacks, And Frustrations Quickly
7. Specify The Responsibilities Of Each Partner's Task, Including Timeliness

There are several variations in business partnerships. They might be formal, long-term agreements or straightforward, short-term projects to test a market idea. The same rules apply in every situation—find out all seven of them in this article.
1. Begin By Developing A Common Vision And Mission
The partners must identify the venture's vision and mission as the initial stage, just like in any business.
- There will inevitably be issues if everyone's brains aren't working in unison.
- Each partner may have various goals in mind. However, the overarching goals and approaches must remain the same.
Let’s see an example: because Abdullah and Samy both saw the market's need for a commercial cooking facility, they decided to work together.
Abdullah was a business contractor who had experience with dining establishments and caterers. Samy managed a culinary school and had many contacts in the food service sector.
A 3,000-square-foot facility with three production shifts, a test kitchen for the cooking school, and contracts with additional long-term and project clients was their mutually agreed-upon vision.
- Take the time to talk with your partners about the vision and mission of your organization.
- Find out what makes each of you excited and motivated about your business.
- Give it a goal and specify the characteristics of the perfect business.
- Write out your unified vision and mission and use it as a guide for all other actions.
2. Ensure That The Requirements And Expectations Of Each Partner Are Met
Each partner in a partnership has unique motivations for being there. People occasionally look for a partner for cash, knowledge, and sometimes for connections.
Even if they are not often voiced, these expectations exist.
Before anything is legally committed, a conversation about expectations needs to be had since everyone's knowledge, motivation, and personality are unique.
A detailed dissolution or modification plan must be in writing as well because individual needs and expectations may change over time.
A struggling wholesale distributorship was owned by Aabidah and Fatima. Then Aabidah was unwell and was unable to work for a while. Fatima was forced to handle the entire business by herself in the interim.
She was able to fill Aabidah's job, but when he returned, he had the enthusiasm or drove to resume it. Fatima wasn't ready to handle it all by herself for very long. Each was feeling disappointed before sitting down to talk about expectations, and the negative emotions quickly took over.
- Discover what your partner anticipates of you in the partnership. Include your own expectations.
- Have a strategy in business for when your interests, circumstances, or personal circumstances change so that you may adjust your expectations as necessary.
3. Recognize And Play To Each Partner's Strengths
Because partners collaborate for a variety of reasons and with differing expectations, it's possible that occasionally the advantages of each person are neglected.
The most visible qualities will definitely be noticed, but when hidden strengths are revealed, they can have a significant impact on the long-term drive, dedication, and success.
After two years in business, Ahmed and Hasan's restaurant had reached a plateau. Hasan handled business-end duties, while Ahmed handled the kitchen.
Hasan discovered with the aid of a coach that one of his personal strengths was his aptitude for and interest in the arts.
The average sales increased by 35% the first month and another 25% the following month after he made the decision to link his work to the business.
For himself and visiting artists, he turned his eatery into a gallery. The restaurant regularly appeared in calendars and art-related publications. Ahmed was also motivated to provide "artistic" meals.
- A helpful hint is to play to each partner's unique qualities to increase motivation, enthusiasm, and the likelihood of long-term success.
- Write out your own assets and request that your partner do the same.
- Next, have a group discussion on how you might use these in the business.
4. Support The Restrictions Of The Partnership
Little things frequently accumulate in areas where partners lack skill or passion in an effort to save money. These can essentially bankrupt your business over time.
There can be restrictions in any area, including strategy, product/service creation, marketing and sales, human resources and operations management, and financial and administrative administration.
Wherever they exist, it's critical to recognize them as soon as possible and have a management strategy in place, so they don't get out of control.
In their newly-opened organic spa, Amira and Ayesha only utilized and sold organic items. They also provided customized wellness counseling in private. The business was doing well, but it had no idea how to manage its cash flow.
They quickly put themselves in a liquidity dilemma as their debt kept growing. Naturally, the answer is that they required assistance with business and financial management.
On the advice of a consultant, they engaged a business manager who might offer assistance in their weakest area.
- Consider the areas where you are having difficulties. There's a good chance that these are locations that might use some further assistance.
- If you feel unable to pay for it, reconsider your position.
- You cannot afford to oppose restrictions.
- The value of the business gradually depreciates in these intervals. Avoid having it happen to your business.
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5. Establish Business And Personal Goals
The best method for partners to approach objectives is to start with corporate goals, then have each partner set personal goals.
Individual objectives should complement those of the business. Expectations should be measured and supported by goals.
For partners, writing things down is extremely crucial.
Bisma and Rasha's two-year-old specialist marketing business was doing well. They orally established business goals without taking into consideration what each individual would be responsible for in achieving them.
When they failed to achieve their objectives, they each laid the blame, and things got nasty.
- Review and revise your business's objectives with your partners.
- Then, have each partner create personal objectives that, in their particular fields of competence, serve the corporate objectives.
- Get everyone to agree to their goals in writing and put them all together.
- When the time period is over, it is clear who is responsible for what.
6. Deal With Disputes, Setbacks, And Frustrations Quickly
Disagreements will arise in any kind of partnership, as they always do. Effectively managing partnership conflicts is essential to maintaining a healthy connection and a functioning partnership.
Don't allow unfavorable emotions to develop and grow over time. Make it a rule that any party may contact the other to discuss issues.
The partnership deteriorated as Fareeha's attention was diverted by personal problems, and he spent far less time working on the business.
Eshaal didn't want to make a scene by questioning Fareeha's time management.
Although she didn't address Fareeha directly, she made disparaging statements about the way she was "carrying" the business. Before she ultimately sought outside assistance, Eshaal had lost interest in the business and had allowed it to deteriorate.
- It can be challenging to contact a partner, especially if the relationship has been long-standing and has soured.
- A planned mealtime together is unquestionably a wonderful idea. In certain circumstances, once a week is necessary, but at the absolute least, once a month allows everyone to arrive with their agenda.
- It's always best to remain upbeat while discussing your goals for the business. Present your proposed plan for change. Everyone now has something to respond to and work with.
7. Specify The Responsibilities Of Each Partner's Task, Including Timeliness
Do you and your partner have formal job descriptions? If not, you could be making erroneous assumptions. Because they convey the meaning "responsible for" with a list of duties and consequences, job roles resemble job descriptions in this regard.
In many partnerships, a key source of anger and disappointment is a lack of clarity regarding work assignments.
Jasmine was aware that she was the business's main salesperson for insurance. But even though it had not been thoroughly discussed or made explicit in writing, she still anticipated that her business partner, Haris, would contribute some revenue.
She was incensed when she discovered he was conducting personal business during regular business hours.
Haris clearly had a very different conception of his job than Jasmine. It was obviously necessary to discuss and define each job's responsibility.
- Specify your responsibilities in detail and encourage your partner to do the same. This allows you to hold each other, the business, and yourself accountable.
- Hire or engage a professional when there are unfinished duties.
- The goal is to ensure that every task is completed and that responsibility has been allocated and accepted.
If you adhere to these seven basic hacks and advice, you'll have a firm foundation for a fruitful partnership and a successful business.
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